Jubili Merahkie

About jubili

Meet Jubili Merahkie, a dynamic individual under the age of 30, making waves in the world of journalism, direction, and production. Born with a passion for storytelling, Jubili quickly rose through the ranks, demonstrating exceptional talent and dedication.

Having earned a degree in Journalism from a prestigious institution, Ms. Jubili embarked on a journey that led to numerous accolades. Notably, their groundbreaking investigative work on social issues and human rights garnered widespread recognition. She is also fortunate to receive Gold Medal Award presented by the Vice President of India.

Parallel to their journalistic success, Jubili expanded her creative horizons into the realm of filmmaking. As a director and producer, she showcased a keen eye for visual storytelling. One of their notable projects includes a music video featuring the soulful voice of renowned singer Amit Mishra. This venture not only showcased the versatility but also marked a significant achievement in the world of entertainment.

With an unwavering commitment to excellence, Ms. Merahkie continues to push boundaries, bridging the worlds of journalism and entertainment. Her innovative approach to storytelling and dedication to societal issues positioning her as a rising star with a promising future.